Thursday, October 22, 2020

Best place to visit southern province in #SriLanka #Ussangoda #Nationalp...

Best place to visit southern province a magical place you should visit in #SriLanka #Ussangoda #Nationalpark is a patch of high ground by the sea and spreads over a significant area its also designated archaeological site containing large area of a beautiful grassland
In several places, especially by the sea facing areas rocks and soil can be observed clearly having multiple layers usually with distinct colourization

Saturday, October 3, 2020

 Best place to visit in #polonnaruwa #SriLanka/The great kingdom in 12th century .This is a complex #kingdom that located in #polonnaruwa #Srilanka. Including grate palace,Complex of a council chamber,ponds and beautiful gardens you must watch.Absoluately this place is a hidden treasure of our history.
